Development and Organisation of Training for Lawyers on Anti-money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (AML-CTF) Rules at EU Level

The objective of the planned development and organisation of training for lawyers on AML at EU level is to carry out the following tasks:

(1) To develop a strategy to offer training for lawyers on their legal obligations under the EU legal framework

The strategy will focus on Bars and Law Societies, lawyers’ training schools and providers of training for lawyers. This strategy will be composed of three main parts:

  1. The strategy itself, to ensure a consistent approach in future training to be undertaken in the Member States on this matter.
  2. Facilities to exchange best practices between lawyers in Europe.
  3. A training needs assessment (TNA) for EU lawyers on their obligations under the directives, which will include the identification (in each Member State) of the main relevant professional organisations that can perform the required training on the topic.

(2) To produce an EU-level training programme (TP) in English. This TP will be accompanied by two documents:

  • a manual for trainers which will explain what issues are to be addressed in AML training and how they should be approached in order to ensure the maximum impact on the target group (lawyers). In order to help trainers in focusing the future training seminars, the manual will contain reference to the substantive material on which lawyers are to be trained – the relevant content of the directives, case-law, guidance produced to date;
  • a manual for users explaining the scope of the training, the needs to be addressed, the expected results for lawyers undertaking the training, etc. As in the case of the manual for trainers, the manual for users will include reference to the relevant content of the directives, case-law, guidance produced to date as these are very valuable training materials for lawyers.

Both manuals will be suitable for being updated and developed in the future by the European Commission as indicated in the tender specifications.

(3) Organisation of pilot cross-border activities to test the TP.

These activities are twofold:

  1. One training of trainers: the activity will consist of training a group of a minimum of 9 experienced trainers within the cross-border activities. The experienced trainers will be appointed by national Bars and Law Societies which are members of the CCBE, with the guarantee that they are engaged regularly in training of lawyers, and therefore able to re-use and adapt the training modules developed under the tender to suit national conditions.
  2. Three regional cross border-training activities with, at least, 30 participants each (i.e. at least 90 different participants in all). Each of the 3 regional training activities will have participants from at least 3 Member States (i.e. participants from at least 9 Member States will be trained in a total of 3 seminars). Each of the 3 activities will take place in a different Member State with the triple objective of:

- allowing a broader participation of lawyers in the events, which will also be open to local lawyers;

- bringing the activities under the contract closer to various Member States, so that the work of the EU in the field of AML will be more visible than if all the activities were to take place in the same place, and

- being organised on the premises of participating Bars/Law Societies so that participants will attend an event organised in collaboration with the national body regulating the lawyers’ profession.


This information has been produced under a contract with the European Union (Ref.: JUST/2018/JACC/PR/CRIM/018) and does not represent the official opinion of the European Commission. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.